Friday, July 8, 2011

Personal best ever spanner ring

You know how when you're making things sometimes it all goes wrong, sometimes it goes great or excellent, and then sometimes you produce something so awesome you can hardly believe it. Today was one of those latter days.
I woke up early with a great idea for a spanner ring. I love it when I wake up with some great new idea.I have made one spanner ring previously but this was something new. The ring is formed by making a little spanner out of nickel-silver sheet and curling it around to meet with a brass nut in the middle.

To do this I actually photographed a real spanner, cropped and re-sized it using the "Paint" program supplied in Windows. I googled a conversion from pixels to millimeters and re-sized it to the right size for a 20mm diameter.I then used double sided tape to stick it to the metal, and then cut it out with my jewelers saw. I then filed it, wire brushed it, sanded and polished it and...

..then I burned the crap out of it, and melted the brass nut all over the place, flung it into a corner, cursed a bit and stomped around a bit and then printed out another spanner picture, stuck it to a new piece of metal...etc etc.

I proceeded much more carefully this time, cut the spanner out better, filed it better, polished it better, found a better nut and bolt and soldered it brilliantly. The solder has not been filed at all just polished along with the ring.
I am very pleased with how it turned out. I like the design, the inside is excellent, and the outside polished up very beautifully as well.

So the moral to this little story is, try a little harder, push yourself and never give up.

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